divendres, 30 de novembre del 2007

Final post

And today I finish my work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think its a hard and boring !!!!!!!!
But always I think its fanny because you disconcert to the reality!!!!!!!!
and I don't remember any more and good night !!!!!!!!!!!
and see you and oder post bay teacher !!!!!!!!!
And good Christmas !!!!!!!

dijous, 29 de novembre del 2007

Trial Bike

Hellow !!!!!!!!!
Today I put a video of a trial bike !!!!!!!!!
If you see the video you can see its a difficult sport !!!!!!!!
I love mountain bike and you ?¿
bye - bye !!!!!!!

dimecres, 28 de novembre del 2007


how are you class ?¿
now I am sad because the competition doesn't start again in june !!!!!!!!!!!!
and you what sport do you practice ?¿ and went they start ?¿
what is your favorite sport ?¿
bay - bay !!!!!!!!!

dimarts, 27 de novembre del 2007

The Christmas

Hellow !!!!!!!
Yesterday we finish all the examps!!!!!!!!!
Now I am more relaxed and now I am thinking with the christmas

And you ?¿ What do you think now ?¿

bye-bye people !!!!!!!!

dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2007


This week we have a lot of exams. One exam every day.
This is difficult, we have to a lot and so entries in the days
without making entries in the blog because of exams
bye - bye people!!!!



Today I trnslate a song:

Armat amb fletxes apuntant dirctement al meu cor,
Mirant de no trencar-me quan intento trobar el meu camí fora de la foscor,
Diuen que cada moment que ve té un final
Per tant, el meu dolor és una conseqüencia,
És una batalla i no tinc defensa.

Segur del que m’has dit sobre que m’estimaves, m’apartaves la mirada,
De sobte cada cosa canviava correctement davant meu,
Diuen que a vegades estimar és injust
Però, per què sempre es tan car per mi?
No tinc respostes I no tinc defensa.

Endivino que mai ho entendré
Com l’amor pot venire i marxar,
Pensava que el gel no es trencaria, però ara ho sé,
Però quan pensava el meu amarg dubte, la meva soledat es mostrava,
Estaré amb tu, amb tu fins al final.

Desitjo tenir coratge per deixar-te enrera,
Perquè tu ets qui jo estimaré la resta de la meva vida,
Diuen que algun dia la pols tornarà
Però m’és indiferent,
Perquè és una batalla I no tinc defensa.

No, no, no

És una batalla i no tinc defensa

I hope that you liked its a english song.

diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2007

Caixa Girona!!!

Last weekend finished the trophy caixa girona. And in Genuary I will start a new it is called trophy de la selva. The last race of caixa girona I finished 4 , 1 position more and I would go to the podium. But that is impossible bucause its. Very difficult race.
Bay !!!!!!!